Sunday, April 03, 2011

Yachting club anger

Redcliffe and Bayside Herald: Man with extraordinary facial hair angered at yacht club's enormous water bill

"Humpybong Yacht Club at Woody Point"



Steve said...

Extraordinary facial hair? You haven't seen me.
That said, the only reason I'm commenting on this story is that my in-laws live at Woody Point, or just up the road at Margate.
Yep, we're really original with our place names here in Oz.

Mark Wadsworth said...

The irony of a yacht club being slapped with a water bill is probably lost on the yacht club.

TRT said...

They'll have to come off mains sewerage then. Get a cesspit, pump it out and deliver it to the water company themselves - through the letter box. It's the only language etc etc.

Or they could raise the money through holding a sail.

Ha ha. VW = bogno